We evaluate and treat dizziness and balance problems that may be caused by any of the following:
BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
- Unilateral Vestibular Loss following an inner ear infection, acoustic neuroma
- Bilateral Vestibular Loss following exposure to ototoxic substances
- Movement related instability, dizziness, intolerance
- Migraine Associated Vertigo/ Vestibular Migraines
- Post-Concussion Syndrome
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Mal De debarquement Syndrome
- Meniere’s Disease/ Endolymphatic Hydrops
- Cervicogenic Dizziness
- Visio-spatial Disorientation
- Post-Stroke
- Vestibular loss due to age
- Imbalance due to peripheral neuropathy
Your symptoms may include:
- Dizziness or blurry vision with head movements
- Neck tightness, stiffness and/or pain
- Imbalance or the need to hold onto objects when walking
- Headaches
- Frequent falls
- Generalized “dizziness, wooziness and foggy head” feelings
- Vertigo/spinning
Treatment for your balance and/or vestibular disorder may include the following:
- Vision exercises
- Standing balance exercises
- Posture training
- Strengthening exercises
- Walking training
- Neck range of motion exercises
- Manual Therapy for the neck
- Sensation training
- Repositioning manoeuvres (for those with BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
Your treatment plan will be customized for you based on your exam findings. Typical outcomes following vestibular rehabilitation include: decreased fall risk, decreased symptoms of dizziness, improved balance, improved ability to stabilize your vision, increased strength, increased independence with functional mobility, increased confidence when walking in the community, improved neck movement and decreased pain.
Each year over 10 million patients visit a physician due to dizziness. It is the most common complaint of patients over the age of 75, but can occur in patients of any age. Dizziness is generally not serious, but is often a sign of a mechanical problem. Dizziness can be due to an inner ear disorder, a side effect of medications, a sign of neck dysfunction, or it can be due to a more serious problem such as a brain or a heart problem. It is important to rule out these more serious problems with your physician.
Some patients may be seen for only 1 to 2 sessions; other patients may need continued treatment for a few months. Your physiotherapist will make a treatment plan customized to your needs based on your examination findings.